Saturday, 31 December 2011

Twist and Shout

Current Position at 3.30pm UTC
12:07N 35:20W  Speed 6knots, Wind 20 - 25 knots NE, Confused 3 - 4 metre seas, Course 280

Well there was a big twist then a fair amount of shouting during our morning net as a rogue wave gave Balvenie a fair slapping causing things to go into orbit inside the boat and cockpit.  Luckily we had the windward clear zipped down in the cockpit so it kept out most of the water, and things were back to normal after a clean up.

The Northwest swell has arrived and combined with the Northeast swell and wind direction to make a very messy sea so we are heavily reefed down and taking it easy till things start to settle down again, hopefully tonight.  Looking like a very quiet New Years Eve onboard Balvenie.    Hope you all have more fun than we are likely to!!

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