Saturday, 12 January 2013

Catching up on Other Blog Bits ….. Jan 2013

Just been having a break from regular postings and have been catching up on a few other bits and pieces.  

The Journey Above the postings but below the header photo of Balvenie there is now a JOURNEY TAB which is a summary of our journey so far, spanning the 9 years since we left Picton in the Marlborough Sounds of New Zealand to take Balvenie to Auckland and a summary of what we have done until our arrival in Panama last July.  It's a much more compact version of the blog and as yet doesn’t have any photos, maybe they will come!

The Voyage Maps
I have also finally entered ALL our anchorages onto the 2012 Voyage map.  To see these click on the VOYAGE MAPS TAB, up next to the JOURNEY TAB and give it a little while to load all the anchors and sails that show our journey in Google Satellite.  If you click on "view Balvenies Voyage in a larger map" which is under the map it takes you to Google Maps which then shows a side bar of all the places and a very brief run down on them and when we were there.  There are Voyage Maps for the last 5 years now and when I get time and good internet again I might just start going backwards.

Balvenies Cruising Info Updates
On Colombia has now been added, its a little late, but better late than never and I have just added Providencia too .  We will leave Honduras tomorrow and head for Belize.  More soon.
One day I will get everything up to date!

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